Monday, March 2, 2009

Part III: Fundamental Skills

It has been four days without any new post, actually I am so eager to share with all of you the next chapter of the "Genius in 28 Steps". Last few days I am quite busy with personal matters and office workloads.

Part III of the "Genius in 28 Steps" touched on the what are the fundamental skills that we need to equipped our children with. It consist of 7 chapters that is Chapter 13 to Chapter 19.

Chapter 13 explaining to us on how important for us to make sure that our children master the fundamentals skills. Among others are speaking, writing, focus and listening. This is to ensure that we develop a strong foundation for the rest of our kids education.

Chapter 14 to 19 shared with us on how we could help our child in developing their ability to focus, how to teach our children to develop comprehension & listening skills, how we could help our child develop the ability to speak with others, to express himself with language, it also explaining the important of reading skills and how we could instill the interest in reading in our child. Last chapter (Chapter 19) of this Part III share with us on how to foster independence in your child and how this is vital to our children success as an adult later.
Again those who wish to have their own "Genius in 28 Steps" e-book could go to this e-book will cost you around RM40 plus. Or else you could just follow this blog for the next update and review of the e-book.

1 comment:

~ eila'z ~ said...

wah bagus ni cuba untuk anak2 eila